5G Acronyms/Abbreviations
The set of specifications around 5G and in general 5G protocol standards, has a complex list of acronyms that might be intimidating for the first time reader.
This article is intended to help you understand the full forms to start with. I presume not everyone has to work with every abbreviation out there but generally its good to have the list bookmarked.
Note: easiest way to find what you are looking for is to search (Ctrl+F) from your browser
Find any abbreviations and/or acronyms missing? Feel free to comment below to have them updated.
Acronyms Generic to 5G Networks
5G-NR — 5G New Radio
QoS — Quality of Service
QoE — Quality of Experience
NWDAF — Network Data Analytics Function
OAM — Operations Administration and Management
PTP — Precision Time Protocol
RSRP — Reference Signal Recieved Power
SS — Synchronization Signal
CSI — Channel State Information
SS-RSRP — Synchronization Signal Reference Signal Received Power